Why PHP Web Development Companies in India are growing?

Out of many languages which are used for web development, PHP is the most popular web scripting language. Its growing popularity and usefulness has resulted in an increased demand for PHP developers. A number of small to large web development companies are providing PHP web development services to clients in India and overseas. PHP Web Development Companies in India not only provide initial design and development, but also support and maintenance throughout the product lifecycle. Let’s look at the reason for growing popularity of PHP. Easy to understand and implement The syntax of PHP is like C and C++. Hence, programmers find it easier to master it. Also, changing the code as per client’s requirement is easy. MySQL and PHP work well with each other. Mostly, webmasters use these two as backend and frontend respectively to automate their websites. One of the advantages of PHP is that it can run on Linux, windows and UNIX servers. Open source PHP is an open source prog...